Overview of the Study
The Generation Z Goes to Brazil project involved comparing data from the Generation Z Goes to College Study and the Generation Z Stories Project with data collected from a combined survey (using the same U.S. questions but translated to Portuguese) of college students in Brazil. The Brazil data was collected and analyzed by Brazil higher education researchers, Paula Dal Bo Campagnolo, Isa Mara Da Rosa Alves, and Gustavo Severo De Borba.
- Data Collection: April 2018-May 2018
- Institutions: 62; 11 public 4-year institutions, 49 private secular 4-year institutions, and 2 private religious 4-year institutions
- Survey N: 1481
What Makes Learning Enjoyable? Perspectives of Today’s College Students in the U.S. and Brazil. Journal of Pedagogical Research, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2021, pp. 1-17. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1289019.pdf
How Generation Z College Students Prefer to Learn: A Comparison of U.S. and Brazil Students. Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 2019, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 349-368. https://scholarworks.waldenu.edu/jerap/vol9/iss1/25/