Scholarly Articles
What Makes Learning Enjoyable? Perspectives of Today’s College Students in the U.S. and Brazil
Journal of Pedagogical Research, 2020.
This article showcases what Generation Z students in the U.S. and Brazil believe makes learning enjoyable. The results of this study show both similarities and differences between these two populations. Both groups enjoy learning that is interesting, inspiring, relevant, and engaging. U.S. students enjoy knowledge acquisition, learning for societal impact, and having instructors who are competent and relatable. Brazil students, on the other hand, enjoy peer learning.
How Generation Z College Students Prefer to Learn: A Comparison of U.S. and Brazil Students
Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 2019, Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 349-368.
This article offers a comparative analysis of learning preferences of Generation Z students in the U.S. and Brazil regarding characteristics, motivations, interpersonal styles, learning styles, and learning methods. Themes that emerged include learning that makes a difference, achievement orientation, logic-based learning, intrapersonal and interpersonal learning, applied and hands-on experiences, learning through words, recognition, and lacking vision, inspiration, and creativity. More similarities than differences were found across themes in both populations.
Developing the Strengths of Generation Z College Students
Journal of College and Character, 2019, Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 268-275.
This article offers suggestions for modifying existing strengths-based exercises as well as offering ideas for new exercises that specifically align with and leverage the capacities of Generation Z students. The characteristics, motivations, and learning preferences of Generation Z, which differ from those of millennials, may require educators to rethink and redesign strengths-based education to ensure content and pedagogical approaches align with this new generation.
Motivation, Learning, and Communication Preferences of Generation Z Students
eHearsay Journal, Fall 2017, pp. 4-9
This article offers insight on how Generation Z students are motivated, how they learn, and how they prefer to communicate. Generation Z students are motivated most by relationships, advocating for something they believe in, and working toward achieving milestones for advancement. And, they prefer to learn independently, yet in social settings, using videos, and with passionate, knowledgeable, and caring instructors. Generation Z students prefer face-to-face communication, texting, and specific social media platforms over other communication methods.
Trade Articles
Student Engagement Revisited
NASPA Leadership Exchange, 2018, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp. 20-24.
This article offers an overview of the challenges in engaging for Generation Z college students on campus and recommendations for best practices. While the college and university experience is often touted to students as the “best four years of your life,” this is often not the case. Students have heard that the experience will change them forever, and they expect to develop a tightknit group of friends who support them along the way. When that does not happen, feelings of isolation, loneliness, and disconnection often result. Those feelings can be compounded by the pull to spend more time in the virtual world. What can vice presidents for student affairs (VPSAs) and their staff members do to engage today’s students to help them foster meaningful connections?
What’s Next?
ACUHO-I Talking Stick, 2018, Volume 35, Number 5, pp. 39-44.
This article offers insights for housing and residence life professionals for better understanding Generation Z residential students. Campuses now are preparing for the next wave of students, those born somewhere north of 1995, who will arrive with their own expectations, beliefs, concerns, fears, hopes, and (of course) phones. We spoke with the experts to learn more about what’s coming over the horizon.
Generation Z: Educating and Engaging the Next Generation of Students
About Campus, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp. 21-26
This article offers insights from the book, Generation Z Goes to College, on how our current cohort of traditional-aged students like to learn, engage, and serve. With so many books, articles, and research studies focused on Millennials, this younger, lesser-known generation grew up right before our eyes without much fanfare. The oldest of this post-Millennial generation arrived to college in 2013, and more than four years later, Generation Z students fill our classrooms, campus programs, and residence halls.
Meet Generation Z
SigEp Journal, Fall 2016, pp. 24-31
This article highlights findings from Generation Z Goes to College and describes different types of Generation Z students. Just when it seemed everyone was starting to understand the traits and personalities of Millennial students, another group began showing up on move-in day at campuses around the country. In 2013, Generation Z — born 1995 to 2010 — became the newest generational cohort to enter college. They’re now the majority of traditional-aged students on college campuses, with the oldest turning 21 this year. While both groups share an affinity for all things tech, Generation Z differs from Millennials in distinct ways that already have and will continue to influence institutions of higher education and collegiate organizations like fraternities.
Are You Ready for Generation Z?
American Society of Association Executives Resources, Fall 2018
This article focuses on Generation Z in the workforce where their backgrounds and mindsets are similar to and distinct from their predecessors. Leaders who recognize and capitalize on these differences strengthen their departments and the overall organization.